When it comes to women’s health after pregnancy, the size and shape of the tummy play a significant role. Many women accept the presence of a hanging panniculus or abdominal apron and carry on with life, often enduring discomfort. However, as abdominal breathers, women face additional challenges with this extra drag—it can compromise fitness and transfer strain to the spine and knees. With age, exercising becomes more difficult, and issues like backaches and knee pain may develop.
Fortunately, advancements in tummy tuck procedures and liposuction now offer effective solutions. These procedures can help women regain fitness and restore confidence. Understanding the differences between a mini and a full tummy tuck is crucial to choosing the right option and making an informed decision with the guidance of a plastic surgeon.
Extent: A 360-degree procedure targeting the tummy from the rib cage to the upper buttocks circumferentially.
Removes all fat in the tummy, back, and upper buttocks, leaving 1 cm for smoothness.
Tightens muscles lengthwise and obliquely for enhanced contouring.
Eliminates all excess skin below the belly button.
Repositions the belly button or creates a new one as needed.
Additional Technique:
A variation called TULUA involves removing all skin below the belly button along with the belly button itself. Muscles are tightened horizontally, and a new belly button is created at a surgeon-selected position. This modern technique delivers excellent results.
Scar: The scar aligns with a C-section scar but is longer. It typically fades over time. At LaserCosmesis, we offer a tubeless tummy tuck, eliminating the need for drains.
Rest for 8–12 days is required. You’ll be able to clean yourself and perform basic tasks but should avoid housework. Light activities like watching TV or working on a laptop are fine.
Avoid lifting more than 2–3 kg for six months and support your tummy when straining or coughing.
Return to outside work after 2–3 weeks, though recovery time varies by patient.
Extent: Targets only the lower abdomen, removing extra fat and skin. At LaserCosmesis, we offer 360-degree liposuction with a triple-tech tightening HD liposuction.
Focuses on excess skin and fat in the lower abdomen.
The belly button may be floated downward or left in place.
Does not involve muscle tightening.
Scar: A short scar similar to a C-section scar, replacing the previous scar with one that fades gradually.
Downtime: Recovery is faster, with restrictions lasting only 2–3 weeks.
Minimal or no separation and laxity of tummy muscles.
Weight is within 4–8 kg of your ideal range.
Excess fat or skin laxity is primarily below the belly button.
No hernias are present.
You want to eliminate the abdominal apron and recover quickly.
Skin laxity and fat are distributed across the entire tummy, both above and below the belly button.
Presence of loose muscles, gaps, or hernias.
LaserCosmesis uses abdominal fat mapping, a sonography-based technique for accurate assessment before surgery.
Desire for a complete abdominal restoration, returning to pre-pregnancy levels.
Significant weight loss or bariatric surgery resulting in inelastic skin with folds.
Availability of help and readiness for extended downtime.
The choice between a full and mini tummy tuck depends on factors like weight, fat distribution, muscle separation, and your restoration goals. Fat mapping sonography can help determine the most suitable procedure. Additionally, consider whether you can manage the downtime required for a full tummy tuck. To achieve the best results, it’s vital to follow all post-operative precautions.
Clinic Timings
Mon to Sat : 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Sunday : Closed
022 25300339 | 7666 475 666