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Transform Your Waistline With Abdominoplasty - A Comprehensive Guide

when to consider abdominoplasty 02 Sep 2024

A flat tummy is often associated with youth, vitality, and overall well-being. However, as we journey through life, many of us—both men and women—begin to notice the emergence of a "prosperity paunch," that extra belly that tends to develop as life becomes more comfortable. While this growth may be a sign of success, it can also stand in the way of staying active, looking fit, and feeling self-assured. For those battling a stubborn tummy that resists the efforts of diet and exercise, abdominoplasty, or a tummy tuck, offers a promising solution.

This procedure is particularly aimed at helping young and new mothers regain their pre-pregnancy shape, allowing them to feel fit, confident, and ready to take on the world.

Are You a Suitable Candidate for Abdominoplasty?

Before considering abdominoplasty, it's important to determine whether you're a suitable candidate for the procedure. Here are some common conditions that might make you eligible for a tummy tuck:

  • Hanging Tummy: If you have excess skin hanging from your abdomen, especially after significant weight loss or pregnancy.
  • Midline Hernia: If you have a hernia in your navel or a cesarean scar that needs to be repaired.
  • Difficulty Maintaining Hygiene: If you struggle to see or reach your private parts due to excess abdominal skin, making hygiene difficult.
  • Multiple or Twin Pregnancies: If you've had multiple pregnancies or carried twins, this leads to stretched and separated abdominal muscles.
  • Stretch Marks: If you have stretch marks over the lower abdomen that cannot be treated with non-surgical methods.
  • Scarring: If you have an unsightly scar divide your tummy into two segments.
  • False Pregnancy Appearance: If you look pregnant even when you're not, due to excess abdominal skin and muscle separation.

When Should You Consider Abdominoplasty?

At Lasercosmesis, we recommend that women consider abdominoplasty only after they've completed their childbearing years. This is because future pregnancies can undo the results of the surgery, leading to a need for further procedures. Of course, if the belly is very big, we can do a tummy tuck and you may have a child. You may need a touch-up revision later in such a case. Additionally, we do not offer tummy tuck surgery to unmarried individuals not only for future pregnancy possibilities but also for social reasons. Ensuring that you're done with childbearing and have a stable lifestyle as well as weight, will help you achieve the best results from the procedure.

Advanced Medical Technology at Lasercosmesis

At Lasercosmesis, we have equipped ourselves with the best medical technology available to ensure our patients receive top-quality care. For the past 12 years, we've utilized power-assisted MicroAire liposuction in all our tummy tuck procedures. This advanced technology allows us to remove large amounts of fat quickly and efficiently while also tightening the remaining skin. This enables us to create a high-definition tummy with a sculpted waist and defined abdominal contours. In male patients, we can even create six-pack abs using the latest technology. We also have an ultrasound baser device that works as a VASER. For a sculpted waist and good tightening of loose skin, we use Bodytite which is based on radiofrequency. So we practically have three popular and very effective technologies that give you a sculpted look.

In addition to liposuction, we may also use CO2 lasers during surgery. This technology significantly reduces blood loss, making the procedure safer and more efficient. Our fractional CO2 laser and fat grafting techniques also allow us to treat remaining stretch marks, making them less visible and improving the overall appearance of your abdomen.

If you're considering abdominoplasty, it's crucial to choose a highly qualified surgeon. For guidance on selecting the right professional, check out our blog on How to Find the Best Plastic Surgeon.

Understanding Drainless Abdominoplasty

Traditionally, abdominoplasty involves the use of drains to remove collected blood, pus, and other fluids from the surgical site. However, at Lasercosmesis, we've pioneered a drainless abdominoplasty technique, also known as a tubeless tummy tuck. This innovative approach eliminates the need for drains, making the recovery process more comfortable for patients. Our technique has been so successful that it has been published in medical journals and adopted by other surgeons around the world. Our protocol for drainless surgery is well established with all the gadgets that further reduce the risk of complications.

Instead of using external stitches, we place stitches under the skin and cover them with tape, so no stitch removal is required after the surgery. This not only enhances the patient's comfort but also reduces the risk of infection and scars

The Abdominoplasty Procedure

Abdominoplasty, or tummy tuck surgery, is performed under spinal and epidural anesthesia at Lasercosmesis. The procedure begins with thorough liposuction to remove excess fat from the abdomen. 360-degree Liposuction is a standard part of every tummy tuck procedure at our clinic.

Once liposuction is complete, a horizontal incision is made in the crease at the lower end of the tummy, similar to a cesarean cut. The skin is then lifted, and the underlying muscles are tightened. Any hernias present are repaired during this step. Afterward, the excess skin is removed, and the remaining skin is pulled down to create a smooth, flat appearance. The navel is carefully repositioned to its original location, and the incision is closed without leaving any drains inside.

In some cases, sagging of the private parts can occur due to excess skin. During the tummy tuck procedure, we can also correct this issue to improve the overall appearance and comfort of the patient. After surgery, patients are advised to rest with their hips folded for two days, gradually straightening their legs over 72 hours.

Innovative Liposuction Techniques

At Lasercosmesis, we employ various liposuction techniques to enhance the results of abdominoplasty:

  • Radiofrequency Liposuction: This technique tightens the skin, ensuring a smooth and firm appearance.
  • Ultrasound Liposuction: Ultrasound energy is used to liquefy fat, allowing for easier and more precise fat removal.
  • Power-Assisted Liposuction: This method allows us to remove large amounts of fat without causing injury to the surrounding tissues.

Even our larger patients can expect a chiseling and sculpting effect on their abdomen, resulting in a more contoured and well-defined appearance. In some cases, we can even create six-pack abs for those who desire a more athletic look.

When we reconstruct the navel, we ensure that it looks natural and undetectable as a surgical result. Our goal is to provide our patients with a tummy that looks and feels as natural as possible.

Types of Tummy Tuck Surgery

Abdominoplasty is not a one-size-fits-all procedure. Depending on your body type, the shape of your tummy, and the specific changes you want to achieve, there are several types of tummy tuck procedures available:

  1. Mini Tummy Tuck: This procedure is ideal for individuals with lower abdominal laxity. Only the lower skin is removed, and the navel may either remain in its place or move slightly downward–Floating umbilicus. Lower abdominal muscles may be tightened, and any lower scars from previous operations can be eliminated.
  2. High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty: In this procedure, extra skin is removed from the sides of the incision, improving the shape of the waist. The navel is relocated, and if there is a hernia, a new navel can be created.
  3. Modified Tummy Tuck: This approach involves tightening the entire length of the abdominal muscles. The navel is relocated, and any hernias are repaired. Stretch marks below the umbilicus are usually removed, while those above the umbilicus can be treated with fat grafting.

Typically, the incision for a tummy tuck is made in the crease between the private parts and the tummy skin, so the resulting scar is well-hidden. In some cases, additional scars may be necessary to close the incision or relocate the navel. If these scars are visible, we can improve their appearance using laser treatments.

At Lasercosmesis, we also lift the private parts to their proper position during all tummy tuck procedures. Our expertise in drainless abdominoplasty ensures a smooth and comfortable recovery for our patients.

Pre- and Post-Operative Care

Preparing for a tummy tuck involves more than just scheduling the surgery. At Lasercosmesis, we ensure that all necessary pre-operative tests are completed, including blood tests, heart evaluations, and chest check-ups. If there are any underlying health conditions that have contributed to fat gain, they will be diagnosed and treated before the surgery.

For diabetic and hypertensive patients, we work closely with experienced physicians to achieve optimal control of these conditions before proceeding with the surgery. We also perform a special sonography called abdominal fat mapping, which helps us estimate how flat your tummy is likely to be after the operation.

One of the most important aspects of pre-operative preparation is adopting a healthy diet and exercise routine. This not only helps you achieve better surgical results but also ensures a smoother recovery. Maintaining this routine in the postoperative period is equally important to preserve the results of your tummy tuck for years to come.

After the surgery, you'll need to wear a pressure garment for at least three months. An abdominal belt may also be recommended for an additional three months. It's crucial to avoid heavy lifting and straining during this time, as well as supporting your tummy when coughing or sneezing. Additionally, constipation should be avoided to prevent unnecessary strain on the abdominal muscles.

Many women experience significant belly bulges after pregnancy, a common concern addressed in our comprehensive guide on post-pregnancy body changes.

Why Choose Lasercosmesis for Drainless Abdominoplasty?

Lasercosmesis is a pioneer in drainless abdominoplasty, having published the first research paper on tubeless tummy tucks in India in 2017. Our innovative technique allows plastic surgeons to achieve the best results without compromising the extent of the operation, all while eliminating the need for drains.

Here are the benefits of choosing Lasercosmesis for drainless abdominoplasty, rewritten as single points:

  1. Comprehensive Liposuction: Includes 360-degree and pubic liposuction for balanced results.
  2. Advanced Technology: Utilizes MicroAire PAL and CO2 lasers for effective large-area treatment.
  3. Mesh-Free Hernia Repair: Performs strong hernia repairs without using foreign bodies. We also collaborate with another surgeon to insert a mesh in case your muscles are too weak to hold only by stitches.
  4. Stretch Mark and Scar Treatment: Lasers and fat grafting are used to improve the appearance of stretch marks and scars.
  5. High-Definition Results: Offers sculpting options for an athletic look, including six-pack abs.
  6. Proven Safety Record: Conducts surgeries in a fully equipped hospital with ICU support for maximum safety.
  7. Personalized Care: Provides an all-women surgical team upon request and offers continued post-surgery support.


Abdominoplasty is more than just a cosmetic procedure; it's a transformative experience that can restore your confidence, improve your health, and enhance your quality of life. At Lasercosmesis, we combine cutting-edge technology with personalized care to deliver outstanding results that last.

If you're considering abdominoplasty and want to learn more about how it can help you achieve a flatter, healthier tummy, we invite you to schedule a consultation with our experienced team. We'll work with you to develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and goals, ensuring that you achieve the best possible outcome.


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