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Female Hygiene with Lasers and Surgical Tightening

In our country, feminine topics like laxity of the private parts, leakage of urine after childbirth and menopause are taboo. Leave alone issues about conjugal relations.

A lot of undue importance is placed upon female virginity. Women are shy to share these problems with their family members and partners. The mute suffering need not continue unnecessarily due to lack of awareness about new, effective, and safe options that are available nowadays. The outlook of society towards women and their rights, fullfillments and desires is changing for the better. This welcome change reflects as an increasing number of women seeking services in this domain,opening out to our doctors for comfort and interaction.

Why choose Lasercosmesis for Female Hygiene?

At Laser cosmesis, it is natural that women confide in us about these problems and are comfortable to get treatment done. We have a team of doctors with experience in the field. We also offer the latest treatments like fat grafting and laser rejuvenation to improve results of surgery.

  • Women team.
  • Lasers for improved results.
  • Fat grafting for improved results.
  • In house gynae service along with cosmetic and plastic services.


  • A tightening procedure improves sense of security and pleasure. With the addition of rejuvenation procedures, lubrication is better. If there was any painful coitus, it improves.
  • It is amazing to see the difference made to the life of the women who become confident, secure, and enjoy the relations rather than shunning them due to doubts and hygiene issues.
  • Even the older ladies are relieved to get rid of the leakage, and itching. Many of the elderly women must wear pads for bad leakage. Doing away with the uncomfortable pads brings a new freedom and mobility to them to enjoy the evening of their lives.


1. V- tightening--- It can be done under local anaesthesia but is better done under spinal anaesthesia for comfort. The excess lining is removed after controlling bleeding with a local injection. The muscle is separated and restitched together with some overlap for narrowing. The lining is stitched up. The stitches are absorbable. This procedure is combined with fat grafting to improve the padding and blood supply to the lining. A laser procedure is done to tighten the lining

2. Laser V- tightening ----Fractional CO2 laser is an outpatient procedure done in our dedicated laser room with a gynaec table. First a thorough internal examination is performed to confirm that there is no active infection or wounds inside. Small erosions of the mouth of the uterus heal well with lasers though.
Eye protection is given.
The parts are then cleaned. A cooling gel is inserted and the laser probe in carefully inserted inside. It’s size is the same as gynaec speculum you must have experienced during examinations done during your pregnancy. You will feel a slight heat as the probe slowly moves out. The procedure takes about 30 min. A pad id put on to absorb any discharge and you can go home. The procedure is repeated after a gap of one month.

3. Hymenoplasty—This operation can be done under local anaesthesia as well. The hymen can be created using bits of the tissues that are torn or with the help of V lining. The opening is narrowed enough to make penetration difficult. You can go home immediately unless a sleeping medicine was used for comfort during operation.

4. TOT-- A trans- obturator tape procedure is done under spinal anaesthesia. Readymade tape is inserted around the urinary tube opening located at the front end of the vulva. The entry and exit wounds are closed with one stitch each. TOT is often combined with V- tightening and laser procedures.

5. Labia reduction and trimming--The soft inner structures of private parts can be trimmed under local anaethesia so that they can be covered by the hair bearing area. this is done using Zee plasty and other specially designed operations according to the problems detected. A clotoroplasty is another operation offered if the urethral opening is covered with a foreskin. This is similar to circumcision in men.

Service Types

1. V- tightening---This is a procedure in which the loose and oversized part is reduced by removing excess inner lining, stitching the muscle together and narrowing it. It can be done under local anaesthesia but is better done under spinal anaesthesia for comfort. The stitches are absorbable

2. Laser V- tightening --In cases of mild laxity, itching, mild leakage of urine two or three sittings of fractional CO2 laser is an outpatient procedure to opt for. Lasers improve blood supply and thickness of the lining. The lining thins after menopause causing itching and irritation.

3. Hymenoplasty--Creation of hymen if it is torn due to any reason. We do not endorse the operation nevertheless would offer our expertise to help girls who need it due to social necessity.

4. TOT-- A trans-obturator tape is the procedure of choice for severe urinary leaks and stress incontinence. It is conducted by gynaecologist colleagues at our place.

5. Pubic liposuction---Bulky private parts drag urinary opening down and allow accumulation of sweat. The fitting of clothes can be defective and uncomfortable.

6. Genital designing--Many women have increased and blackened private parts which protrude out causing itching, irritation, discharge , foul smell and ulceration of the soft, delicate inners. the excess parts can be trimmed with cosmetic surgical techniques.

Am I a Candidate?

Laser procedure for tightening and rejuvenation

--mild laxity
--Itching and irritation of private parts especially in the perimenopausal period.
--mild urinary leakage
--Along with tightening procedure.

V- tightening
Laxity causing problems in coitus
Mild urinary leakage

Unmarried girls who wish to get repair of the hymen –It should be done a month before the marriage

If you have leakage of urine on coughing or laughing
Or it you need to wear pad for urine leaking, you should consider TOT procedure.

Labia reduction
Soft part protruding irregularly beyond the hairy skin
Irritation, itching, ulceration due to exposure of the pink skin.

Pre and Post Op Precaution

A urine culture test to detect germs in the urine and other tests for the surgery like haemoglobin coagulation profile and viral markers are always done

Diabetes is well controlled.
After the operation, do plan on some rest. You need to perform sitz baths and apply the gels and creams prescribed. A sitz bath requires you to sit in a tub full of warm water and antiseptic to wash private parts. It is a good idea to do Kegel exercises during the sitz baths and otherwise 2-3 times a day.

FAQs Female Hygiene with Lasers and Surgical Tightening

How do I know I am ready for the service?

If you still have periods, choose a date few days after the period
Complete all the prescribed tests.
Be ready for down time for 2-3 days
You should not have foul-smelling or thick curdy discharge at the time of the procedure.
Diabetes and blood pressure should be well controlled
If you are above 45 years, fitness from a physician should be taken.
For hymenoplasty---Just after the period which is one month before the planned marriage.
We believe that a relationship based on trust should be nurtured.

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If you want to experience comprehensive cosmetic care under one roof to achieve natural results, You are at the right place! We give shape to your confidence by blending modern science, the art of experienced fingers, and refinement with advanced technology. Connect with us to experience personalized care & avail the best results.

Clinic Timings
Mon to Sat : 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Sunday       : Closed

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