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Tummy Tuck Surgery in Thane

A flat tummy is attractive because it exudes youth, activeness, and health. Many women and men start developing a belly, fondly alluded to as “prosperity paunch.” But when it comes to active life, fitness, looking smart, the paunch hurts as prosperity grows. Isn’t it?
At Lasercosmesis, we offer the best Tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai to help one look fit.

KNOW MORE Abdominoplasty-Drainless

Even in older age, when looks stop being all that important, one should understand that the troublesome back pain and knee pain had taken roots much earlier when the paunch was prospering. Young mommies who still wish to look svelte work hard at the gym to tighten the tummy, yet everyone may not be able to get there. And it is not that you did not try hard. It is simply because the tummy muscles are too stretched and separated; the skin is too loose to tighten back without a good plastic surgeon’s help.


We use power-assisted microaire liposuction for the last 12 years for all our tummy tucks. This allows the removal of large amounts of fat with ease and speed. We can also bring about a good tightening of the remaining skin. We can create a high definition of the tummy with midline depression, lateral depressions, and a sculpted waist in appropriate candidates. In male patients making six-pack is also possible with the latest technology.

We also have a CO2 laser for the surgery, which reduces blood loss drastically. We have got the best techniques to provide you with an efficient Tummy Tuck Surgery in Thane.

Our fractional CO2 laser and latest fat grafting techniques allow us to treat remaining stretch marks to make them less visible.

Why choose Lasercosmesis for Abdominoplasty- Drainless?

We at Lasercosmesis published the first research paper in India on tubeless tummy tucks in 2017. We developed a technique that allows a plastic surgeon to get the best result with no compromise in the extent of the operation and still do away with the irritating tubes or drains that have to be kept sticking out from the tummy for 2 or more days.

  • Always combined with 360-degree liposuction, pubic liposuction, and lift.
  • Microaire PAL and CO2 laser allow large-area treatments in one go.
  • Hernia repair without a foreign body. We do a mesh-free strong repair.
  • Lasers and fat grafting for the treatment of the stretch marks and scars as needed.
  • High or medium definition for an athletic look and six-pack abs.
  • Published substantial experience of safe operations with a good track record.
  • Work at our own hospital set up, backed up with ICU, senior physician support, and all modern supportive facilities in case they are ever needed. In the vast majority of operated patients, ICU services are never needed. But we are happy to be backed up fully to make it foolproof for your safety as that is always at the core of our service.
  • All women team available at request.
  • Continued support for further inch loss, fitness, and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle.


The Tummy tuck Surgery in Mumbai, also known as Abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed under spinal and epidural anesthesia. First, thorough liposuction is done. Every tummy tuck includes liposuction at Lasercosmesis.

A cut is made in the crease at the lower end of the tummy, like a caesarean cut. The skin is raised, muscles are tightened, and hernias repaired, if any, and extra skin is cut off and pulled down. The navel is brought out at its original place. The cut is stitched up without leaving drains inside. The private parts, if sagging, also get corrected during the process. You will rest in the position of folded hips for two days as the legs will be gradually straightened over 72 hrs.


Benefits of Tummy Tuck Surgery in Mumbai and Thane include body contouring, improved health, permanent fat removal, improved posture, and enhanced confidence.

After operating on patients for tummy tucks and abdominal wall hernias for more than 20 years, our philosophy is that the operation makes the patients healthy. The bulky tummy not only makes you look obese or bulky, but it is a drag on your back and strain on your knees, not to mention the constant pull on the muscles.

A tummy tuck surgery in Thane not only makes you look slim and shapely but fit too. Moms can regain their young tummy back and can become more active. Those blessed with twin babies can hope to be flat-bellied again. Another important advantage is an improvement in bulky and hanging private parts.


According to the changes that have occurred in the shape of the tummy, the amount of fat deposition, and the degree and quality of the hanging skin, the doctor will advise you for a mini tummy tuck, regular tummy tuck, or high lateral tension tummy tuck. Your navel may either be preserved or removed, and a new one will be created. The loose muscles will be tightened. If you want a medium or high definition for a toned look or want to get rid of stretch marks, we can add appropriate procedures.


Depending on the type of your body and the change in your tummy's shape, many types of tummy tuck procedures can be undertaken. The considerations are the amount of loose skin and fat, the degree and location of looseness of the muscles, presence or absence of hernia, location of scars of previous operations, etc. At Lasercosmesis, every tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai is accompanied by some liposuction. Thus it is called lipo-abdominoplasty. The common terms you will come across are

1. Mini tummy tuck- In the case of lower abdominal laxity, only lower skin is removed. The navel either remains there or can float down by 2cms. The lower muscles may be tucked. The lower scars of previous operations get eliminated.

2. High lateral tension abdominoplasty- Extra skin is removed from the sides of the cut made for the tummy tuck than from the center. This improves the shape of the waist. The navel is relocated. If there is a hernia through the navel, a new one can be created.

3. Modified tummy tuck- The entire length of tummy muscles is tightened. The navel is relocated. If there is a hernia through the navel, a new navel can be created. The stretch marks below the umbilicus usually get removed. Those above the umbilicus can be treated with fat grafting.

Usually, the incision is made in the crease between private parts and tummy skin. So the scar lies there. There can be a small additional vertical scar or a scar to close the hole in some patients due to the relocation of the navel. If these scars are visible, we can improve them with lasers.

At Lasercosmesis, we lift the private parts to proper position during all the tummy tucks. We specialize in avoiding the tubes that drain fluid. This is called tubeless tummy tuck or drainless abdominoplasty.
You can search for our paper on tubeless tummy tuck on the internet.


While you plan to make your mind to undergo Tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai, make sure all the blood tests, heart, and chest check-up are done. Any disease that has caused fat gain is diagnosed and treated. In diabetic and hypertensive patients, control is achieved under the guidance of our experienced physicians.

We do special sonography called abdominal fat mapping to judge the amount of fat under the skin and inside the abdomen. This can help us give you the guesstimate about how flat the tummy is likely to be after the operation.

The most important pre-op job for the patient is to get into a healthy diet and exercise routine. And the same is true in the post-op period. It is in your hand to decide how well you maintain the results. We have patients who have done it for years!

In the post-op period, you need to wear a pressure garment for a minimum of 3 months. An abdominal belt may be advised for three months more. Lifting heavy weights, straining must be avoided. The tummy should be well supported while coughing or sneezing. Avoid getting constipated.

To know more about Abdominoplasty Surgery Cost in Thane, please feel free to contact us.

FAQs Tummy Tuck Surgery in Thane

Are you a suitable candidate for a tummy tuck surgery in Thane?

  • Yes, if you have a hanging tummy
  • Yes, if you have midline hernia in the navel or in the caesarean cut
  • Yes, if you cannot see your private parts to maintain hygiene
  • Yes, if you have had multiple or twin pregnancies
  • Yes, if you have stretch marks over the lower abdomen
  • Yes, if you have an ugly, longitudinal scar dividing the tummy into two segments
  • Yes, if you look pregnant when you are not.

How do I know when I am ready for service?

You should have completed your childbearing. At Lasercosmesis, we do not undertake tummy tuck if you may want to have another baby in the future. We do not offer Tummy tuck surgery in Mumbai to unmarried people also.

What is the downtime associated with the treatment?

Downtime and rest associated with this treatment is for 15 days. Daily activities are allowed thereafter, with support and avoidance of straining for 6 months minimum.

We help you lose more fat and inches. So you will benefit if you follow up regularly.

To know more about this treatment or to know Abdominoplasty Surgery Cost in Mumbai, consult today with an expert cosmetic and plastic surgeon at Lasercosmesis.

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