Breast augmentation is a popular cosmetic procedure that enhances the size and shape of breasts. While the surgery itself is an essential step toward achieving your desired aesthetic, post-operative care plays a critical role in ensuring a safe and successful recovery. Proper adherence to your surgeon's instructions not only minimizes complications but also helps achieve the best possible results. Breast enhancement with implants or fat, or both, is definitely confidence-boosting. However, it is a fairly major surgery that necessitates a careful post-operative care program.
You may choose to go home the same day, but it is ideal to stay overnight, as post-operative discomfort can be more easily managed at the hospital by trained staff.
Once home, have someone assist you with daily chores, as you will not be able to work for a few days.
You will need rest to cope with sensations of stretching and heaviness in the chest.
Rest for 2-3 days.
Wear the prescribed bra to support the operated area.
Drink plenty of liquids and stay hydrated.
You can manage your own hygiene needs and wash from the navel downward if fat transfer was not performed. Areas where fat was taken (e.g., tummy or thighs) will have dressing and compression.
When comfortable, you can work on your laptop, read, or write.
Gentle walking on level ground is encouraged to improve circulation and prevent clot formation in the legs. Avoid bobbing movements while walking or traveling.
Your plastic surgeon at Lasercosmesis will prescribe medication for pain and swelling.
Complete the full course of antibiotics (5-7 days).
Avoid any applications, hot compresses, or cold compresses.
Consume soft, non-spicy food. There are no strict restrictions, but cooperate with your caretaker's advice.
Avoid smoking and alcohol.
Limit green tea and garlic intake.
Include plenty of fruits, soups, and protein-rich foods (e.g., lentils, eggs, chicken).
Do not remove the bra or dressings. At Lasercosmesis, your first dressing will be done by the plastic surgeon on the fourth day.
If the bra causes discomfort under the breasts, add padding. If you cannot, contact the clinic for assistance.
Avoid underwired or harshly seamed bras. Wear only the soft, prescribed bra.
Wires and seams can press on the incision and may cause complications, though this is rare.
Learn more about the potential issues associated with breast implants placed under the muscle.
Avoid activities that cause bouncing or strain on your shoulders for 4–6 weeks.
Do not pull, push, or raise your arms beyond what feels comfortable.
Avoid driving, outdoor sports, and running.
Do not lift heavy items or pick up your child—gentle hugs are fine.
Avoid sleeping near children who may accidentally roll over and injure you.
Sleep with your back supported by a sloping pillow at a 45-degree elevation.
Avoid sleeping on your stomach for at least 4-6 weeks. You may sleep on your side if fat transfer was not performed.
Take a painkiller before sleeping if needed.
Keep follow-up appointments to monitor your recovery.
During the first dressing, the surgeon will guide you on incision care. A waterproof tape may be applied, allowing daily baths.
After bathing, lightly apply moisturizer to the breasts.
Do not worry about swelling or bruising; these are normal and usually subside in 2-3 weeks.
Lightly massage the area with a moisturizer as advised.
Stitches are dissolvable and placed under the skin. No removal is required.
Once the tape comes off, you may be advised to use scar creams or silicone gel sheets for 2-3 months based on your scarring tendency.
Schedule follow-up visits every three months for the first year, then annually.
Report any lumps, changes in breast shape, pain, or nipple discharge to your surgeon immediately.
Learn more about how often breast implants should be replaced in our detailed article.
Proper post-operative care is essential for ensuring the success of your breast augmentation procedure. By carefully following your surgeon’s instructions, you can recover safely, minimize complications, and enjoy the long-term benefits of your enhanced appearance. Always communicate openly with your medical team if you have concerns or questions during your recovery journey.
Clinic Timings
Mon to Sat : 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Sunday : Closed
022 25300339 | 7666 475 666