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Can A Tummy Tuck Eliminate Stretch Marks

tummy tuck  stretch marks 14 Oct 2024

When it comes to body contouring and skin aesthetics, a tummy tuck (also known as abdominoplasty) is one of the most popular procedures. Many individuals seek this surgery not only to achieve a firmer, flatter abdomen but also with the hope of eliminating stretch marks. But can a tummy tuck actually rid your body of these marks, or is it a partial solution?

Understanding Stretch Marks

Stretch marks, medically termed "striae," are defined as marks that occur when the skin stretches too quickly. This happens in cases of pregnancy, weight gain, and growth spurts.

When the collagen and elastin fibers of the skin cannot regenerate fast enough to match the rapid stretching, they snap/ tear and leave a mark similar to a scar. These stretch marks have very commonly been found on the abdomen, thighs, breasts, and hips. The can also be found around arm pits and arms.

While many over-the-counter lotions promise to eliminate or erase stretch marks, they are only partially effective to say the most. A tummy tuck is, rather, a more extensive solution to beautify the belly.

Abdominoplasty is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdominal area, tighten weakened or separated muscles, and create a smoother, firmer profile. This procedure is indicated in patients who have too much deposits of fat on the belly or have undergone significant weight loss or pregnancy related abdominal changes because it takes care of cosmetic as well as functional concerns in the abdominal area.

Different types of abdominoplasty procedures:

A tummy tuck is, most essentially, useful in the case of women having fat deposits over tummy due to pregnancies or people who have loose skin due to aging or massive weight loss. When there is initial rapid fat deposition due to any of these reasons, the skin fibres break down to form stretch marks. when It’s imperative to understand the procedures involved in a tummy tuck surgery so that you are well prepared before being operated upon. By and large, two procedures are recommended depending on your body type-

  • Classic abdominoplasty: Also known as a full tummy tuck, it involves treatment of the complete abdomen from one hip bone to the other hip bone. Consequently, the skin, tissues, and muscles are shaped up as required. This surgery results in the formation of a new belly button.
  • Partial abdominoplasty: Mini tummy tuck or partial abdominoplasty is most suitable in cases where excess fat deposits are detected below the navel. It doesn’t necessarily form a new belly button. It is a relatively quicker surgery, often involving an average of two hours. We may choose to float or shift the navel a bit lower in such a case.
  • HD Abdominoplasty: In this the liposuction of back and bra roll is carried out to sculpt the back in face down position first. The you are turned to face up position, put with tummy up. Then the abdominoplasty is completed to give a chieseled look to the entire abdomen. At LaserCosmesis, we specialise in doing all the procedures without drains–drainless abdominoplasty or tubeless tummy tuck.

Will a Tummy Tuck Eliminate Stretch Marks?

One of the most frequently asked questions about tummy tuck surgery is whether the stretch marks can be erased totally. Well, the answer is: yes and No, A tummy tuck can remove extra skin below the navel and all the stretch marks on that skin. And this will flatten your abdomen. It cannot remove the stretch marks in the upper part of the abdomen because skin below the umbilicus is removed and not above the umbilicus.

While any stretch mark appearing on the lower abdomen (below the navel) will be surgically removed along with the excess skin during a tummy tuck procedure, the same cannot be said for those appearing above the navel.

However, of course, it is worth mentioning that those marks on the upper abdomen or any other parts of the body will not change with the surgery. Removing stretch marks in practice becomes, in some ways, an effect rather than a purpose of the procedure.

At LaserCosmesis, we use a combination of Morpheus 8 and fat grafting to improve upper abdominal stretch marks as well. They will fade significantly even if they cannot be completely eliminated. This is the use of modern technology with Bodytite RFAL and Morpheus 8.

The surgery tightens the abdominal muscles and removes any skin that is loose and saggy; since most stretch marks occur in the skin being removed, most patients will see an improvement in the appearance of their stretch marks.

What a Tummy Tuck Cannot Do

Even though a tummy tuck can dramatically alter the shape of the abdomen, it does not remove stretch marks all over the body. Stretch marks above the incision for the tummy tuck or outside of the area to be excised will not be removed.

Additionally, once more, a tummy tuck cannot prevent new ones from forming when, for example, the skin again stretches, as happens during another pregnancy or significant weight loss.

Choosing the Right Plastic Surgeon in Thane

Want an honest surgeon to perform the surgery on you, especially when coming to Thane for abdominoplasty?

A proper plastic surgeon could walk you through the whole process. They can evaluate the suitability of the procedure for you and realistically explain the outcome.

To find a plastic surgeon in Thane, look for one who is board-certified and has extensive experience performing tummy tuck surgeries.

Ask him/her to provide you with before-and-after photos of their previous patients.

Discuss your goals and concerns about the possible outcome with your plastic surgeon openly and freely during your consultation with him.

A perfect tummy tuck can literally transform your body from the inside out and give you renewed confidence in a firmer, smoother abdomen.

So, do not get confused as to what surgery can and cannot do, especially when it comes to that feared stretch mark.


A tummy tuck removes stretch marks, but only in the area that has a bit of extra skin that needs to be excised, and these are usually areas below the belly.

If you really want those other stretch marks off, let your plastic surgeon know so he can definitely help you with those additional treatments and procedures that may complement your possible results for a tummy tuck. With use of technology, the remaining stretch marks can be improved.

If you are planning to have tummy tuck surgery and stay in or near Thane, search for a plastic surgeon in Thane, who is not only the best but also experienced in abdominoplasty. In this way, he/she would help you get the very best.


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