Obesity is the modern scourge of people in all strata of society, be they poor or rich, urban or rural. If you see old movies, more often than not, the villain would be rich and obese. Now even the villains are fit and have chiselled bodies! In reality, however, obesity is prevalent right from the slums to the mall. The reason behind this obesity epidemic lies hidden between the excess of one thing and the lack of another. Excess food and lack of exercise.
Man has come a long way from his ancient origins. He no longer needs to forage in the forest for scraps of food. He need not search to the ends of the earth for potable water; he does not have to move even to switch on the lights or the TV; the remote does the work for him. In the old era, food eaten earlier would be digested, utilized, and spent as the energy required to obtain food for the next meal.
Circumstances of scarcity forced the female body to acquire the necessary hormones and habits to store spare food and energy. Hence, girls would put on fat on the waist and the hips when they age. The purpose of this sort of evolution was to provide energy stores to supply the needs of pregnancy and the unborn child.
It is essential that people are well-informed about the principles of nutrition and exercise. Not everyone can afford to employ a personal trainer or dietician. With every passing year, new scientific studies are being published about the benefits and importance of exercise.
As the age increases, our muscles become weak. The weakening of bone density accompanies old age. Even enforced immobility of just one to two weeks is enough to reduce muscle strength further. Such enforced bed rest may be the result of some temporary illness, which may eventually recover but can leave behind long-term severe consequences.
If you wish to avoid this fate in your later years, it is essential to do regular exercise with a rotation of the type of exercise. There are 3 main types of exercise.
It is an advantage to start exercises under the guidance of a good trainer. If your weight is excessive, then exercises have to be planned in such a way as to avoid loading the joints too much. Your age, weight, time available, previous experience, and any existing diseases have to be taken into account while planning an exercise regimen that is suitable for you. Exercise should be preceded by a warm up and followed by stretching. So get up from the chair, get moving, get walking!
If you want expert guidance, you can visit Lasercosmesis Clinic to consult an expert physician and plastic surgeon. The team of experts provides effective non surgical weight loss treatment in Thane. To do so, they record a proper health history and learn about the patient’s lifestyle. To avail of the benefits, book a consultation now!
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Mon to Sat : 12:00pm to 7:00pm
Sunday : Closed
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