Liposuction means removal of unwanted stubborn fat through small cuts taken on the fatty part of your body. The most effective way to get rid of stubborn fat is liposuction. Many other ways like fat freezing, mesotherapy play a very limited role unless the fat is very small in amount. Liposuction is done under anaesthesia and the treatment is classified as minimally invasive surgery. In this blog, let’s clear ten misconceptions people have about this treatment.
Myth 1– Liposuction is the quick fix alternative for boring diet and exercise.
Many people think that once liposuction is done they can eat whatever they want. And they need not go for those tiring gym and other exercise routines.
Fact 1 – First and foremost–Liposuction is done only for the fat that refuses to budge after correct diet and exercise regimen.
Secondly, to maintain your liposuction results, you need to maintain your muscles and inches.
One needs to follow healthy diet and exercise routine to stay active, healthy and youthful.
Myth 2–Liposuction is temporary,
Fact 2-The liposuction procedure removes the cells that store fat. These cells will never form again. However, the fat cells are arranged like a sheet under the skin. All the cells can not be removed. About half to one cm thickness has to be left behind to prevent irregularities. The remaining cells can store fat and swell up, to some extent, if diet and exercise are not followed. Maintain right dietary habits and exercise regularly to get long lasting results from the procedure.
Myth 3–The fat removed during liposuction appears in other places shifts to some other areas of body like upper arms.
Fact 3-The fat removed during liposuction is permanently lost from that area, but if you do not follow diet and exercise and maiantain yourself, you will start accumulating fat. This time it will be stored in available space–that is other parts of the body where liposuction was not done. So it is the new fat you have gained–and not the same which was removed. If you get back to correct diet and exercise, you may lose it.
Myth 4–Unmarried girls should not undergo liposuction.
Fact 4–Unmarried girls, especially those who have PCOS, benefit tremendously with liposuction. This is because they have either accumulated fat during puberty when the periods started or they were born with excess fat cells–as chubby baby. The former is hormonal fat that is very difficult to lose. The chubby babies are born with excess fat cells.
Both these types benefit with the Triple Technique liposuction available at LaserCosmesis. It is done through tiny cuts which will fade with time, and the skin tightens over a period of time. Beautiful contouring can be done. Results are long-lasting with self maintenance. There is no problem with child bearing at all. In fact liposuctions helps.
Myth 5–opting for liposuction is waste of money and sign of laziness and inability to lose weight by dieting.
Fact 5– Women who diet and exercise for years lose mobile fat on their cheeks but are unable to lose hormonal fat they gain during pregnancy, puberty and menopause. This stubborn fat is located around hips, lower tummy, thighs and breast. Due to this hormonally accumulated fat, which drags on the body, women get tired much earlier during exercise. Such fat needs removal with liposuction. Many women suffer difficulty in day to day activities due to this widespread misconception. Liposuction makes you fit and active.
Myth 6–Liposuction is a dangerous and life threatening procedure
Fact 6 – Millions of liposuctions have been done all over the world. India has most experienced doctors with high technology like at Lasercosmesis. If done after proper evaluation by necessary tests, in a well equipped hospital with due precautions by experienced surgeon, liposuction is very safe. Our surgeon always does many safety tests and takes opinion from a physician to understand if you can undergo the liposuction safely or not. We have all the essential safety protocols and a back up of ICU. So liposuction and allied procedures are done very safely. A small risk is always there, just as it is there when you take a flight to travel. This negligible chance needs to be factored for, and at LaserCosmesis we have available necessary facilities to deal with such an eventuality.
Myth 7–Seroma or accumulation of thin liquid under the skin is common complication of liposuction and needs drains
Fact 7–Our plastic surgeon at LaserCosmesis has designed a procedure called “Toilet liposuction” to remove all the accumulated liquid and fragmented fat at the end of the procedure. Hence,drains are not required. Incidence of seroma is less than 1 % in our practice. This is published in a landmark paper called “can drains be avoided in liposuction?”
This paper has multiple citations. It can be easily understood by anyone.
Myth 8–There is lot of leakage of fluids and wetness during recovery period of liposuction
Fact 8– We close all tiny cuts taken in the skin for liposuction. So there is hardly any leakage of fluid, especially after “toilet liposuction” and these stitches are taken to close the wound. Our patients are dry, or have very little soiling.
Myth 9–Liposuction produces unnatural shapes and can be easily detected as surgical change
Fact 9–Liposuction when done by qualified trained plastic surgeon, natural results are seen. Initially there is swelling and some odd pains, but slowly everything improves and you can flaunt your new look in any clothes you wish. There is nothing much to hide after the scars fade away. You can opt for a high definition liposuction and look chiselled. The contours are created keeping in mind the standard aesthetics and of course, your wishes. Do discuss your interests and goals with your surgeon. If your expectations are realistic, your goals can be reached.
Myth 10–You need to be in bed after liposuction for a long time
Fact 10–In fact it is quite the opposite. The earlier you hit the gym the earlier pain and swelling will go away and you will recover, Sometimes Haemoglobin may drop and you may need to take medicines for it. With high protein diet and lots of greens, you can be mobile and active within 2-4 days and start working from as early as fourth or fifth day. A lot also depends upon your tolerance and will- power.
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