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Earlobe Repair Treatment in Thane

Who does not like adorning oneself with ornaments?

Earrings have been an accessory for women since time immemorial. So much so that even the most professional modern woman considers earrings as an essential, non-negotiable accessory. You would find very few women not wearing even an earring. In some communities, earrings are considered an essential part of the culture. You are not expected to attend auspicious events without earrings.

The weight of the earrings can exert a pull on the ear hole and drag on it to enlarge it over the years. The hole can break open or become so large that earrings keep falling. The measures like silicon support wafers are temporary and unpredictable. The hassle of keeping these props clouds the joy of flaunting a beautiful earring. The earrings don’t fit properly in the presence of large holes. They may hang low or tilt downwards.

Types of Earlobe Repair Surgery

1. The repair of the ear hole should be surgical. Many offer to stick a torn ear hole. But this method is far from being safe and desirable. When a hole is 'stuck', the glue actually burns and corodes the skin first. The raw edges then stick together.

The problems with this method are:

  • The burning of the skin cannot be controlled as a chemical is used.
  • It sticks only the skin edges and leaves the fat in the lobes alone, leaving a gap between the skin layers.
    So the whole repair is very likely to break again. the burned skin may become darke and scarred.

2. Surgical method- In this, the hole edges are freshened, and fine stitches are used to stitch the full skin and fat thickness together. A hole can be created later with piercing. The shortcoming of this method is that the earring's weight has to be borne by the new scar. The scar may not be visible but always remains a slightly weaker part. So it might open again.

3. Plastic surgical method- In Lasercosmesis, we use the plastic surgical flap method to line the new hole with full-thickness skin. The scar of stitching lies below that. The earring's weight does not fall on the scar, and it is extremely rare for these to open or enlarge again. If we think the lobe is too thin, we add some soft bone (cartilage) from your own ear without causing any visible changes in the look of the ear. Sometimes we may add some fat.


  • Plastic surgical techniques with very fine hair-like stitches are used.
  • Sometimes, when the site of the hole needs to be different, a gun is used for piercing later.


1. Torn earlobe due to an earring getting stuck or pulled.
2. Slowly enlarging ear hole.
3. Complete tear of the lobe.
4. Birth defects of the ear lobe called a cleft lobe.
5. Absent or small ear lobes can be recreated using surrounding tissues.


  • Earlobe Repair Treatment in Thane is done under local anesthesia.
  • After cleaning the ear with an antiseptic solution, a tiny injection is given at the ear lobule base, which completely numbs the lobule. The surgery is carried out within half an hour. The edges are pared, the flap from one side is rolled to make a skin lined hole.
  • Very fine hair-like sutures are used for stitching. A tiny piece of cartilage is fixed inside the fat before the stitches.

FAQs Earlobe Repair Treatment in Thane

What are the pre and post-op precautions required with this Earlobe Repair Treatment in Thane?

  • Do not apply oil and make up for 2-3 days before the operation. Do have a head bath with shampoo a day before operation.
  • You need not be fasting. Do have a light breakfast before coming in with all your reports. Take your morning doses except for the blood thinners.
  • After the surgery, there will be dressing on the ears for 2-4 days. You will be asked to visit the clinic for removal. Usually, after that, we leave the stitches open to be washed with soap and water followed by ointment application.
  • Antibiotics and painkillers may be prescribed. There is no downtime. However, you should not wear any earrings for one month or till the time the doctor allows.
  • You will not be allowed to wear earrings for a month after the operation.
  • The stitches will be removed after 2 or 3 weeks after the operation. The stitches are left open after the third day when you come for the first follow up. Then you are asked to wash the stitches during a bath daily and apply an ointment. dressing is not required. the second visit is for stitch removal.

To know more about Earlobe Repair Treatment in Thane, please feel free to contact us.

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