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How to find the best plastic surgeon

How to find the best plastic surgeon 29 Aug 2022

Plastic and cosmetic surgery is a big, life-changing choice. Sometimes it takes years of perseverance before one starts to insist on getting it done. More people than ever before are having plastic surgery nowadays. The skill and experience of a plastic surgeon determine the surgery's outcome. Thus, it is important to choose a plastic surgeon wisely.

Following are the essential tips that will help you find the best plastic surgeon in Mumbai.

1. Qualifications. There are very specific and limited qualifications awarded by bonafide medical colleges and universities in India which qualify a doctor to practice plastic and cosmetic surgery. These are a) MCh (plastic surgery) and b) DNB (plastic surgery). That’s it. These are the only two superspeciality degrees conferred upon those who have already completed their MBBS and MS degrees, then worked for 3 years as plastic surgery resident doctors in recognised institutes under a PG teacher, and finally passed a gruelling examination including theory and clinicals. No other degree enables anyone to claim themselves to be plastic surgeons. Unfortunately there are some who claim to have training abroad without possession of any of the above Indian degrees. However, any genuine degree earned abroad needs to be registered with the Indian state medical Council before one can practice plastic surgery in India. In Maharashtra, anyone can visit the MMC (medical Council) website and check the registered qualifications of a doctor. This facility was created by the council owing to efforts taken by Dr. Medha Bhave, founder of Lasercosmesis, best plastic surgery clinic in Thane, to safeguard the interests of patients in need of plastic surgery. This is ‘due diligence’ to be taken before you go under the knife or get enrolled in an expensive course of lasers or skin treatments.  

2. Remember that out- and - out advertising, sky high claims and promises are not the hallmarks of a genuine doctor’s behaviour. Promises that seem too good to be true are exactly that, they are untrue!  

3. Google searches will reveal a genuine surgeon’s work and her published articles. Genuine plastic and cosmetic surgeons do become members of fellows of official societies such as AAPS and IAAPS,  which are registered professional bodies with websites that offer you listings of qualified plastic surgeons near you.  

4. During your consultation, be frank with the surgeon and expect honesty in return. It is OK to openly talk about your doubts and worries, and to clearly spell out your expectations from the surgery. The expert plastic surgeon will find the most suitable options for you, never use hype to convince patients for surgery, be meticulous in conducting a physical examination and will ask for a detailed, unhurried history of all your medical issues, not just the cosmetic ones. The best surgeons know not only when and how to operate, but also when NOT to!  

5. No qualified plastic surgeon provides 100 percent guarantee for the results. Honest discussion about overall percentage of success, possible risks and downsides of treatments are discussed and liberty to choose the line of treatment from available options is yours.

The given details are shared by the expert doctor of Lasercosmesis will hopefully help one find a great plastic surgeon.


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